SEU MEMS-Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education Successfully Held the 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on Sensors and Micro-Nano Technology

    From July 8 to 11, the 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on Sensors and Micro-Nano Technology was successfully held in Nanjing, co-hosted by Southeast University, Nanjing branch of IEEE, SEU MEMS-Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education, and National Key   boratory of sensor technology, Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Mr. Yi Hong, president of SEU, and Mr. Wang Baoping, vice president of SEU, attended the conference. Mr. Wang Baoping delivered the opening speech and professor Huang Qing'an, director of SEU MEMS-Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education, presided over the opening ceremony.
  Altogether 240 experts and scholars in related fields at home and abroad attended the conference, among whom 130 were foreign representatives. Six world-renowned experts from China, America, Japan, Holland, etc were invited to make an academic report at the conference. At the symposium, nine experts from the Asian-Pacific region gave invited reports on MEMS material, manufacturing and packaging technology, optical MEMS technology, nanotechnology, etc.

  This conference served as a great platform for experts in related fields at home and abroad to have academic exchanges. Also it displayed the fruitful achievements of China's scientists and researchers in the field of MEMS,NEMS and nanotechnology. Moreover, it further promoted China's international exchanges, cooperation and development in this field.
