














 19959-1999年月     南京大学,生物化学专业,本科;

 19999-20047月    南京大学,分子生物学与生物化学专业,硕博连读;

 20047-20088月    美国麻州大学医学院,神经生物学,博士后;

 20088-20196月    东南大学,生命科学研究院,教授;

 20196-现在         东南大学,yh533388银河,教授。



近期代表性论文:* 通讯作者; # 第一作者)

1. Jin X#, Tian Y#, Zhang ZC, Gu P, Liu C, Han J* (2021). A subset of DN1p neurons integrates thermosensory inputs to promote wakefulness via CNMa signaling. Curr Biol. Online, doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.02.048.

2.Shen Y#, Zhang ZC#,*, Cheng S#, Liu A, Zuo J, Xia S, Liu X, Liu W, Jia Z, Xie W, Han J* (2021). PQBP1 promotes translational elongation and regulates hippocampal mGluR-LTD by suppressing eEF2 phosphorylation. Mol Cell, online, doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.01.032.

3. Wu J, Ji X, Gu Q, Liao B, Dong W*Han J* (2021). Parallel Synaptic Acetylcholine Signals Facilitate Large Monopolar Cell Repolarization and Modulate Visual Behavior in Drosophila. J Neurosci. 41:2164-2176.

4. Gu Q#, Wu J#, Tian Y, Cheng S, Zhang ZC*Han J*(2021).Gαq splice variants mediate phototransduction, rhodopsin synthesis, and retinal integrity in Drosophila. J Biol Chem. 295:5554-5563. (Cover Story).

5.Mu Y, Tian Y, Zhang ZC*, Han J* (2019). Metallophosphoesterase regulates light-induced rhodopsin endocytosis by promoting an association between arrestin and the adaptor protein AP2. J Biol Chem. 294:12892-12900. (Cover Story).

6. Li Q#, Li Y#, Wang X#, Qi J, Jin X, Tong H, Zhou Z, Zhang ZC, Han J* (2017). Fbxl4 Serves as a Clock Output Molecule that Regulates Sleep through Promotion of Rhythmic Degradation of the GABAA Receptor.Curr Biol


7. Liu L#, Tian Y#, Zhang XY, Zhang X, Li T, Xie W, Han J* (2017). Neurexin Restricts Axonal Branching in Columns by Promoting Ephrin Clustering.Dev Cell.41:94-106. (Cover Story)

8. Wang X#, Mu Y, Sun M, Han J* (2017). Bidirectional regulation of fragile X mental retardation protein phosphorylation controls rhodopsin homoeostasis.J Mol Cell Biol. 9:104-116.

9. Tong H#, Li Q, Zhang ZC, Li Y, Han J* (2016). Neurexin regulates nighttime sleep by modulating synaptic transmission.Sci Rep. 6:38246.

10. Wan D#, Zhang ZC#, Zhang X, Li Q, Han J* (2015). X chromosome-linked intellectual disability protein PQBP1 associates with and regulates the translation of specific mRNAs.Hum Mol Genet. 24:4599-614

11. Li T#, Tan Y, Li Q, Chen H, Lv H, Xie W, Han J* (2015). The Neurexin-NSF interaction regulates short-term synaptic depression.J Biol Chem. 290:17656-67. (Cover Story).

12. Hu W#, Wang T, Wang X, and Han J* (2015). Ih Channels Control Feedback Regulation from Amacrine Cells to Photoreceptors. PLoS Biology. 13:e1002115.

13. Li Y#, Zhou Z#, Zhang X, Tong H, Li P, Zhang ZC, Jia Z, Xie W*, Han J* (2013). Drosophila Neuroligin 4 Regulates Sleep through Modulating GABA Transmission.  J Neurosci. 33:15545-54.

14. Tian Y#, Li T, Sun M, Wan D, Li Q, Li P, Zhang Z, Han J*, Wei Xie* (2013). Neurexin Regulates Visual Function via Mediating Retinoid Transport to Promote Rhodopsin Maturation. Neuron 77: 311-322.

15. Hu W#, Wan D, Yu X, Cao J, Guo P, Li HS, Han J* (2012). Protein Gq modulates termination of phototransduction and prevents retinal degeneration. J Biol Chem 287:13911-8.

16. Cao J#, Li Y#, Xia W, Reddig K, Hu W, Xie W, Li HS*, Han J* (2011). A Drosophila metallophosphoesterase mediates deglycosylation of rhodopsin. EMBO J 30: 3701-13.

17. Han J#, Reddig K and Li HS* (2007). Prolonged Gq activity triggers fly rhodopsin endocytosis and degradation and reduces photoreceptor sensitivity. EMBO J 26:4966-73.

18. Han J#, Gong P#, Reddig K#, Mitra M, Guo P and Li HS* (2006). The fly CAMTA transcription factor potentiates deactivation of the G protein-coupled light receptor rhodopsin. Cell 127: 847-858.